Saturday, July 27, 2013

EOC Week 3: Tobacco Advertisement

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame? 2. What is the setting? What are the conditions? 3. Who are the people or groups? 4. What is their point of view around this specific experience? 5. What are their goals? 6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions? 7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation? 8. What are the outcomes?


I think this is a perfect example of an advertisement that we can analyze because it answers many questions. In this frame we have two well established young couples what seems to be socializing during the holidays. Th expressions in their faces are full of happiness and joy, they are enjoying each others company. It clearly shows that they all are smokers and they all agree on smoking the same brand and they are happy about it. It portrays a lifestyle that Viceroy will provide for you and it is the right brand to buy. In buying this brand you will create a comfortable and happy surrounding. It is the perfect brand just right and can target any consumer not just a specific market. I think that tobacco agencies have to be very careful on how they advertise but I must admit that they have done a good job, especially since smoking has been a big thing and will always be. I think that it was accepted highly back in the 1960's when many people used to smoke as a status thing. For example I watch Madmen, and every since I started watching it in each episode they always smoke every scene is of the characters smoking it is absolutely ridiculous how much they smoke and even women that were pregnant in the show smoke and drink. It just goes to show how little they knew about the consequences of smoking.

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