Saturday, July 13, 2013

BOC Week 2: About Me

I am a wandering mind because I can identify myself with many different fields in life and never settle. One of my goals is to make the world a prettier place, with art, fashion, inspiration, and motivation. I am a business person in fashion with an artistic mind looking to prove the world of fashion has so much more to offer than just clothing, its art. I want to make the world beautiful even when it can be so ugly; there is always that sense of seeing beauty in the darkest of places. To me fashion is not just about the clothes you wear it’s about how you perceive life and how it reflects on your clothing. That is my job, which I grow to love each day. I can overcome any obstacle put in my path so long as I strive to succeed. People and their behavior and reaction towards life and fashion intrigue me. How they interpret their own ideas is important to me. I am a people person, I ask questions that I want an answer to even if it means I have to find that answer on my own. I surround myself with creative minds that are open to anything; in my life there is no room for negativity. We can all dream but only a few of us can make them a reality, I choose to make them a reality!

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